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Launching a Meta Campaign

Meta Ads serve a multifaceted purpose in the digital marketing landscape. They enable businesses to reach a wider audience by connecting people from all over the world as their potential target audience. It provides a diverse range of advertising formats like video or image which caters to various business goals and creative strategies which maximises
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META Ads Training Resources

What is Meta? Meta, is a company that has redefined the way we connect, communicate, and consume content. Meta, previously known as Facebook, has expanded its horizons beyond the conventional realms of social networking and now offers a multitude of services under its umbrella. One of the standout components of this transformation is Meta Ads
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How to Clarify Your Messaging in Your Social Media Posts

Writing and communication isn’t everyone’s strong suit. In fact, a lot of entrepreneurs and small businesses that manage their own marketing often struggle with finding the right words to convey to their audience. They have snippets and ideas of what they want to say but have trouble putting those thoughts into strong and cohesive sentences.
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3 Important Reasons Why You Should NOT Boost a Facebook post

Are you worried that your Facebook or Instagram posts are not getting as much engagement and attention as you want? Well, you’re not the only one with that concern. In fact, did you know that these days organic posts on a Facebook Page range around only 5.20%? That means that if you have a small
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Digital Marketing Industry Updates – November

Google introduces new features to keep data private and secure To celebrate Cybersecurity Awareness Month, Google has recently released several new features to help keep your data secure. One of these features that is important to note for small businesses is the Chrome HTTPS-First Mode. HTTPS websites (compared to HTTP) are websites with added security
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Choosing The Ultimate Facebook Ad Type

If you’re still using direct mail, print ads or television commercials — social media marketing costs almost nothing compared to those traditional outlets. Over the past couple of years, both the technology and services behind Facebook Ads have improved immensely. Meaning, now they’re affordable and cost-effective form of online marketing. With the ability to target
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GIFS: The Perfect Addition To Your Facebook Ads!

Unless you’ve spent the last year in a cave devoid of the internet, then you’re likely aware of the GIF revolution. Pronounced with a “G” and not as “Jiff” (please, just no), these photo/video hybrids are now seen on almost every page you click on! In February of this year Facebook began allowing advertisers to
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facebook collection ads
How Facebook Collection Ads Will Improve Purchase Experience

In exciting news for March, Facebook have announced a new ad format! Launched on March 24th, Facebook Collection ads are a new and improved way for retailers to promote their products. Combining features of standard and Carousel ads, the Facebook Collection ads allow retailers to publish an image of their main product, along with a
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social media news
Digital Buzz: Are You A Fan Of The New Facebook Video Updates?

It can be difficult to keep up with all of the technological advances happening in our world—there’s always so much going on! Today, we peer into some of the latest Facebook video updates, and dish out the info you need to know!  Facebook must have been feeling the love this February, because as a Valentine’s
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